About Me

I was born-again at the age of 28. My connection with Scripture was immediate. Over the years I memorized dozens of passages and the book of Philippians. In 2022 I discovered a theology that changed the way I view the Bible. Passages that once puzzled me suddenly made sense. God’s word became exciting again!

With this new excitement, I began to study Scripture for 2-3 hours a day. I can never get enough of God’s word. From men greater than me, I learned about the covenants, the Law, and the prophets. I learned the importance of Galatians and Hebrews, the meaning of Revelation and more. Putting the pieces together, the story of the entire Bible became clearer, and the story of the New Testament, Jesus’ first followers, came alive.

My love and admiration for God has never been stronger. It’s in this way, that I am truly blessed.

Neil Nolte

Living my life for Jesus Christ. My goal is not to achieve the recognition of men but to love God by loving others the way Christ loves me, worshiping Him daily, and standing in unity with other believers as we build God’s kingdom.


I love to worship God through music and every song I write is for Him. Music is a beautiful unifier. We feel the same rhythm, sing the same words, and focus on the same God. Even in harmony, our different notes sing the same chord.

God has given us many beautiful gifts. This one is my favorite.